News Medicine

Genital Herpes Linked to Brain Shrinkage

A new study has found that individuals with genital herpes (HSV-2) have a thinner cortex, which could significantly increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Approximately

 News Medicine

Breakthrough: Antibiotic for Superbugs

A new antibiotic against the highly dangerous, multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria has been discovered by an AI. This new technology could revolutionize the search for

 News Medicine

Boost Vaccination with 2G Rules

The announcement of stricter COVID-19 restrictions for unvaccinated individuals in Austria has led to an increase in vaccination rates, according to a study by the

 News Medicine

Scientists criticize symbolic COVID measures.

A group of scientists from the Society for Aerosol Research (GAeF) have criticized the German government’s coronavirus measures in an open letter. According to the

 News Medicine

Mask mandate reduces school infections.

Two studies from the United States have shown that mandating masks for teachers and students in schools significantly reduces infections with SARS-CoV-2. The issue of

 News Medicine

Hydrogel bandage seals gut wounds

A new hydrogel has been developed that can effectively close intestinal wounds, preventing the leakage of bacteria-rich contents into the abdominal cavity. Intestinal wounds are

 News Medicine

Germany’s lockdown until January’s end insufficient.

The Covid-Simulator developed by scientists at the University of Saarland predicts that the lockdown in Germany must continue until mid-February to achieve less than 50

 News Medicine

Clear Masks for Infection Prevention?

Clear plastic masks have gained popularity due to their high level of comfort. However, how effective are they in protecting against infections compared to surgical

 News Medicine

Germany to Reach 20,000 Daily COVID-19 Cases

Alarming news has emerged from the University of Saarland, which predicts that Germany could see 20,000 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections per day within the

 News Medicine

Mask mandate cuts COVID-19 cases

A new study has found that a general mask mandate in public spaces significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, a complete lockdown of social life and