News Medicine

Virus Protection Capsule Developed by Start-up

A new capsule designed to protect against Covid-19 and other diseases is allowing dialysis patients, immunosuppressed children, and seriously ill adults to maintain social connections.

 News Medicine

Majority of Germans value vaccinations

A recent study conducted by the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) has revealed that an increasing number of Germans have a positive attitude towards vaccinations.

 News Medicine

Anti-vaxxers thrive in Germany.

Germany has a higher than average number of anti-vaxxers compared to other European countries, due to a lack of trust in the healthcare system and

 News Medicine

Gender Affects Severity of Infections

A recent study conducted by researchers from the Royal Holloway University of London has revealed that certain infectious diseases affect men more severely than women.

 News Medicine

Natural Resistance to Cholera Developed

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at Harvard University have found that many people in the Ganges Delta possess a natural immunity to cholera. Over time,