News Medicine

Turmeric Suppresses Inflammation Safely

A breakthrough study by scientists at the University of Saarland has found that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, can suppress inflammation without any side

 News Medicine

Alcohol-induced brain damage persists

Alcohol consumption can cause inflammation in the brain, which continues to damage nerve tissue even after weeks of abstinence. In Germany, only three percent of

 News Medicine

Good oral hygiene reduces Alzheimer’s risk.

A new study published in the journal Science Advances has found that bacteria responsible for causing gum disease, known as Porphyromonas gingivalis, can also contribute

 News Medicine

Treat Arthritis without Surgery: Orthokin Therapy

Arthritis is the most common joint disease, affecting around two million people in Germany alone. According to the German Arthritis Foundation, 50% of arthritis cases

 News Medicine

Flu’s Long-Term Impact on Brain

A new study has revealed that the flu virus can cause long-term damage to the brain. While most people recover from the flu within a

 News Medicine

Multiple Sclerosis Linked to Genes

In a breakthrough discovery, a Canadian research team has identified a gene mutation that is the direct cause of multiple sclerosis (MS), a neurological disease

 News Medicine

Diabetes drug may aid MS

In the search for a cure for the chronic disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an international team of researchers has discovered a diabetes medication that shows