News Technology

Germany’s Gas Pipelines Ready for Hydrogen

Germany’s 550,000-kilometer gas network can be used for hydrogen transport, according to a study by the German Association of Gas and Water Experts (DVGW) and

 News Technology

Chinese train breaks speed record.

China’s CR450 high-speed train has set a new speed record for conventional rail vehicles, reaching a top speed of 453 km/h during a test run

 News Economics

Top Global State Rankings

A well-functioning state is often associated with democracy and citizen rights. However, a recent study conducted by Theresa Paola Stawski, a political scientist at Julius-Maximilians-Universität

 News Technology

3D-Printed Robots Build Chinese Dam

China is building a massive hydroelectric power plant using robots controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) in a 3D printing process. The 180-meter-high Yangqu dam will

 News Economics

Overloaded Ports Worldwide

The global trade industry is facing unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. According to a study by Allianz

 News Technology

Electric Car Charging in Sidewalk

Rheinmetall, a German technology company, has presented a solution to the lack of public charging stations for electric cars in the country. According to a

 News Economics

Germany introduces 5.4 ct/km eco-friendly toll

Germany is facing a funding gap due to the rise of electric cars and the subsequent loss of revenue from the mineral oil tax. To

 News Economics

Germany loses 6.6 billion to climate change

Germany is experiencing the effects of global climate change, with rising temperatures and increased risk of floods, heavy rainfall, and other weather events. A research

 News Economics

Every Car Costs Society €5,000

The true cost of owning a car is much higher than most people think. On average, society pays about 5,000 euros per car per year.

 News Economics

Cars faster than public transport

Public transportation in German cities takes about twice as long as driving a car, according to a study conducted by the Mobility Institute in Berlin.