News Technology

Mouse hides mini-PC

A Polish startup company is currently developing a complete mini-PC that is practically built into a conventional computer mouse: the Mouse-Box. Unlike the typical mini-PC

 News Technology

Self-Powered Camera: A Game-Changer

In a world where we rely heavily on technology, running out of battery power can be a frustrating experience. However, a team of American researchers

 News Technology

Neutralizing Smog with Roof Tiles

In a world that is becoming increasingly complex, solutions to problems that are simple and easy to implement deserve special attention. This is the case

 News Technology

255 Terabits per Second Fiber Optic Cable

In a groundbreaking achievement, Dutch and American researchers have successfully increased data transmission in fiber optic cables by 21 times. This means that it is

 News Technology

Netherlands builds solar bike path.

A revolutionary solar bike path that generates electricity for multiple households is being developed in the Netherlands. The small town of Krommenie, located about 25

 News Technology

Vanishing Objects with Simple Camouflage

A revolutionary solar bike path that generates electricity for multiple households is being developed in the Netherlands. The small town of Krommenie, located about 25

 News Technology

Netherlands Builds Future Roads

The future of road traffic in the Netherlands has taken a step towards reality with the introduction of self-illuminating road markings on a section of

 News Geology

X-rays aid gold prospecting.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting gold in the earth’s crust using X-rays. The technique, called Gamma Activation Analysis (GAA), works by bombarding

 News Technology

Mind Control: Devices Controlled by Thoughts

The future is looking bright for those who dream of controlling their devices with their thoughts. Scientists from around the world have been working tirelessly

 News Medicine

Boost Intelligence and Creativity Instantly

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Sydney have created a cap that can enhance creativity and intelligence with the push of a