News Medicine

Insecticides Linked to Decline in Human Sperm Counts

A recent meta-study led by researchers from Northeastern University (NU) and George Mason University, under the guidance of Lauren B. Ellis, reveals a concerning connection

 News Medicine

Pesticides Lower Human Sperm Count

The sperm count has significantly decreased in recent decades, and one of the culprits is the use of insecticides. A study conducted by the Hebrew

 News Environment

Natural Substances Replace Chemical Insecticides

Chemical insecticides are harmful to bees, the environment, and can cause health problems in humans. Imidacloprid, a pesticide used to protect wheat crops, can be

 News Environment

Less pests in natural farming.

A recent study published in Ecology Letters by scientists from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, the University of California Davis,

 News Environment

Neonicotinoids shrink ant colonies.

A new study by scientists at the University of Bern has revealed a previously unknown negative effect of the neonicotinoid pesticide Thiamethoxam on ant colonies.