News Psychology

City vs. Country: Smarter Residents?

The Savanna Theory of Happiness suggests that people with lower IQs prefer the routine life of the countryside, while more intelligent individuals appreciate the variety

 News Economics

Income and Intelligence: Any Connection?

A recent study conducted by researchers at Linköping University in Sweden has challenged the widely held belief that a person’s intelligence quotient (IQ) is directly

 News Medicine

Signs of High Baby Intelligence

New research from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) in Germany has found that certain physical characteristics of babies can predict their intelligence quotient (IQ) and neurological

 News Economics

Tax hikes increase part-time work.

Higher taxes lead to many people only working part-time, with smart men being particularly likely to make this choice. A study by the Research Institute

 News Psychology

Gender Overestimates Intelligence?

A new study conducted by researchers at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, has revealed that there are significant gender differences in how individuals perceive their

 News Medicine

Overestimation of IQ and Brain Size Relationship

A high IQ is often associated with a large brain, but a recent metastudy suggests that this correlation is greatly overestimated. While several studies have

 News Medicine

Intelligence Declines After Age 35

A recent study conducted by an international team of scientists has found that human intelligence continues to increase until the age of 35, after which

 News Psychology

Smart People: Less Athletic, More Alcohol

Intelligent People Share Certain Characteristics, Study Finds Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have long been used to measure a person’s intelligence, but recent studies suggest that

 News Biology

Single Gene Boosts Mouse Intelligence

The question of why humans are more intelligent than other living beings has long been a topic of scientific inquiry. One possible answer is that

 News Medicine

Smart People Live Longer

Intelligent People Have Higher Life Expectancy and Lower Risk of Diseases, Study Shows A groundbreaking long-term study of 65,765 children has found that intelligent people