News Medicine

Improved Concentration in Humans

In recent decades, the average intelligence quotient (IQ) has decreased in many countries, while concentration ability has increased. This trend, known as the Flynn Effect,

 News Medicine

Slow Thinking: A Sign of Intelligence

A new study conducted by researchers at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) has found that people with high IQs actually have slower brains. The

 News Psychology

Car Brand Linked to Driver IQ

A recent study conducted by Censuswide and ScrapCarComparison has found a correlation between the intelligence quotient (IQ) of drivers and the brand of their cars.

 News Medicine

Gaming boosts children’s intelligence

Video games have long been associated with negative effects on children, including increased aggression and decreased intelligence. However, a recent study by the Karolinska Institute

 News Medicine

Overestimation of IQ and Brain Size Relationship

A high IQ is often associated with a large brain, but a recent metastudy suggests that this correlation is greatly overestimated. While several studies have

 News Psychology

Smart People: Less Athletic, More Alcohol

Intelligent People Share Certain Characteristics, Study Finds Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have long been used to measure a person’s intelligence, but recent studies suggest that

 News Medicine

Driving for hours reduces intelligence.

Regular long-distance driving and excessive television watching have been found to reduce IQ, according to a study conducted by the University of Leicester and Leicester

 News Medicine

Pupil Size Indicates Human Intelligence

The eye has always been a fascinating topic for poets, lyricists, and scientists alike. It is often referred to as the window to the soul,

 News Medicine

Smart People Live Longer

Intelligent People Have Higher Life Expectancy and Lower Risk of Diseases, Study Shows A groundbreaking long-term study of 65,765 children has found that intelligent people

 News Psychology

Smart, Sensitive, and Excluded Vegetarians

The number of vegetarians in Germany is increasing annually, but little research has been done on how these individuals differ from others from a psychological