Story Biology

RNA Universe: Pioneering the Origin of Life

The enigma of life’s origin perplexes modern science. Billions of years ago, a unique interplay among molecules laid the groundwork for our existence. Gerald Yotze,

 Story Biology

Life’s Genesis: The Debut of Proteins

Proteins, the fundamental building blocks of living organisms, rely on amino acids as their molecular constituents. The intriguing question arises: How did the initial proteins,

 Story Biology

Signs of Life Beyond Earth’s Borders

Evidence points to the likelihood of life existing beyond our planet. Analysis of ancient microorganisms dating back 3.456 billion years in Western Australia unveils intriguing

 News Astronomy

Habitable Zone Twin Discovered Nearby

Astronomers have discovered a potentially habitable exoplanet, Wolf 1069b, just 31 light-years away. This Earth-like planet could potentially host life if it has an atmosphere

 News Biology

4 Billion Years of Earthly Life

New Fossil Discoveries Suggest Life on Earth May Be Older Than Previously Thought Recent fossil discoveries in Canada suggest that the earliest forms of life