News Biology

Experimental Evidence of Possible Immortality

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest have found that controlling transposable elements (TEs) in DNA can significantly extend the lifespan

 News Medicine

Weight Loss: Is it Healthy for Everyone?

A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) has found that weight loss may not be healthy for

 News Medicine

Low-Carb Diet Increases Mortality Risk

A recent study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has found that a low-carbohydrate diet can significantly increase mortality rates in the long term.

 News Medicine

Japanese Food Promotes Longevity

Natto, a Japanese food made from fermented soybeans, has been found to have life-extending effects. This may be one of the reasons why people in

 News Medicine

Habits for 20 Extra Years

A healthy lifestyle can add over 20 years to a person’s life, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of Illinois at

 News Biology

Ancient Stone Coral Found in Great Barrier Reef

In the Great Barrier Reef, a 430-year-old stone coral with a record diameter has been discovered. The extremely resilient Porites coral has survived around 80

 News Medicine

Living to 150: Is it Possible?

A new study has shed light on how long humans could potentially live with modern technology, and what the limits are. Heart disease, strokes, and

 News Technology

5D Optical Storage: 13.8 Billion-Year Data Security

A new laser writing process has been developed to secure data in an optical 5D glass storage, with the aim of making the data readable

 News Psychology

Clear Purpose = Longer Life

A strong sense of purpose in life can lead to a longer lifespan, according to a recent study by the University of Michigan School of

 News Medicine

Optimists Live Longer: Confirmed by Researchers

Optimism is a way of life that can be learned. Long-term studies conducted in the United States have found a clear correlation between an optimistic