News Medicine

New Lung Cancer Risk Factor Found

A new study has found that disrupted circadian rhythms, or biological clocks, may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. While smoking is a well-known

 News Medicine

Masks protect against radioactive decay

Medical masks can almost completely prevent the absorption of radioactive radon decay products, according to recent research. Radon is a gas that is produced during

 News Medicine

Non-Smokers’ Lung Cancer Cause Found

A recent study published in JAMA Oncology has shed light on why around 12% of lung cancer patients have never smoked. Researchers from the Francis

 News Medicine

Why not all smokers get lung cancer.

A recent report from the Robert Koch Institute reveals that approximately 59,700 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in Germany every year. The number of

 News Geology

Radioactive contamination map of Germany.

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has released a new map showing the levels of the radioactive gas radon in Germany. Radon is produced

 News Medicine

Non-smokers can get lung cancer

A groundbreaking study by the US National Cancer Institute has found that lung cancer in non-smokers is primarily caused by internal processes rather than external

 News Medicine

High Health Risks with Few Cigarettes

Smoking fewer than ten cigarettes a day significantly increases the risk of dying from lung cancer or a severe respiratory disease, according to a study

 News Medicine

Non-smokers getting lung cancer rise

The likelihood of developing lung cancer is significantly higher for smokers. However, recent studies show that an increasing number of non-smokers are also being diagnosed

 News Medicine

Breath Test Detects Lung Cancer

Scientists Develop Breath Test for Early Detection of Lung Cancer A new breath test has been developed by scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute in Bad Nauheim,