News Technology

Diamonds as Quantum Computer Memory

A new breakthrough in diamond production has been achieved, with researchers at Saga University and Adamant Namiki Precision Jewel Company developing a method to create

 News Technology

Human-like Robot Hand Created

A new robot hand with almost human-like abilities has been developed by scientists at Ajou University in South Korea. The development of versatile and adaptable

 News Chemistry

World Record: Fabric Thinner Than Atom

Scientists at the University of Manchester have developed the thinnest fabric in the world using a chemical process. The mesh of chain-like organic molecules is

 News Technology

Nano-Robots Create New Molecules

In a breakthrough development, researchers have created a molecular robot that can assemble individual molecules into new substances using a tiny gripping arm. The robot,

 News Technology

China Develops Laser Assault Rifle

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have created a molecular robot that can assemble individual molecules into new substances using a tiny gripping arm. The robot,

 News Environment

EU Microwaves Emit CO2 Like 6.8M Cars

Microwaves: A Climate Killer? A recent study conducted by a team of scientists led by Alejandro Gallego-Schmid from the University of Manchester has revealed that