News Technology

Floating Wind Turbine Tested Successfully

A floating wind turbine model, Nezzy2, has been successfully tested during a storm surge in the Baltic Sea. The full-sized Nezzy2 will be tested for

 News Environment

Lego lasts over 1000 years in the ocean.

The durability of Lego bricks has been a topic of interest for many years. Recently, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Plymouth

 News Biology

Plastic waste threatens oxygen-producing bacteria.

The increasing pollution of the oceans by plastic not only has negative consequences for fish and humans through the food chain, but also hinders the

 News Biology

Ancient Ammonite Found in Amber

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a 99 million-year-old ammonite preserved in amber in Myanmar. Ammonites, which are relatives of modern-day squids, have only

 News Environment

Massive Algae Carpet Spans Africa to Mexico

A massive algae bloom has formed in the Atlantic Ocean, stretching from West Africa to the Caribbean. Scientists at the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, part

 News Environment

Coral Reef Found off Apulian Coast

Meeresbiologists have discovered a previously unknown coral reef off the coast of southern Italy that spans over two kilometers in length. What makes this reef

 News Environment

Plastic pollutes our oceans.

The world’s population of around 7.5 billion people generates a significant amount of waste, with the biggest problem being the eight billion tons of plastic

 News Environment

Ocean’s CO2 sink still intact

The world’s oceans have absorbed 34 billion tons of CO2 between 1994 and 2007, equivalent to one-third of human-made CO2 emissions. While the oceans continue

 News Biology

Mass Death in Atlantic from Red Tide

The waters off the coast of Florida have turned a bloody red, and the rapid spread of single-celled organisms is causing the deaths of numerous

 News Environment

Ocean Cleanup Project: Positive Results

The Ocean Cleanup project aims to rid the oceans of the tons of human waste that float just below the surface. After six weeks of