News Technology

Ultimate Insult Found by Math Model

Mathematics student Sophie Maclean has used a mathematical model to determine the ultimate insult. Maclean, who is currently studying for her Master of Science in

 News Biology

Math and Genetics: Surprising Link

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Oxford have found a connection between the digit sum function of number theory and a key

 News Technology

Perfect Parking Strategy Determined

Physicists at the Santa Fe Institute and Boston University have used a traffic mathematical model to determine the optimal parking strategy. The study takes into

 News Physics

Parallel Worlds Cannot Be Extremely Different

A recent mathematical analysis of parallel worlds has revealed that drastic transformations do not occur on either the A-side or the B-side under certain conditions.

 News Technology

Google Calculates Pi to 100 Billionth Decimal

Google Team Calculates Pi to 100 Trillion Digits Google has announced that a team of its developers has calculated the mathematical constant Pi to 100

 News Physics

Erdős Conjecture Solved After 50 Years

In a breakthrough discovery, mathematicians have created a Steiner triple system with arbitrary waist size, proving the Erdös conjecture after 50 years. Paul Erdös, a

 News Physics

Quantum Theory Solves Old Puzzle

Physicists have solved a mathematical puzzle from 1779 that was previously thought to be unsolvable, using the principles of quantum theory. The puzzle, discovered by

 News Physics

Time Travel Without Causal Paradoxes

Time travel has long been considered impossible due to the existence of causal paradoxes in classical physics. However, a new study suggests that time travel

 News Physics

Physicists Disprove Alternative to Quantum Theory

Vienna, Austria – Physicists have once again put quantum mechanics to the test with a new experiment using a special metamaterial, which has confirmed the

 News Medicine

LEGO Play Creates Little Geniuses

Playing with small LEGO building blocks not only enhances children’s creativity but also improves their mathematical abilities, according to researchers at the University of Derby