News Economics

Rise of Plant-Based Foods in Germany

The trend of reducing meat consumption is gaining momentum in Germany, as more and more people are opting for plant-based foods for their health, animal

 News Medicine

Genetic Predisposition to Vegetarianism

A recent study conducted by researchers at Northwestern University has found that there may be a genetic predisposition to strict vegetarianism. The study, which is

 News Environment

Can Germany Feed Itself?

Germany Imports Majority of its Food: Study Shows Self-Sufficiency Possible with Reduced Meat Consumption Germany imports a significant portion of its food, but a new

 News Environment

10g Meat Daily: New German Guideline

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has significantly reduced its recommendations for meat consumption. By the end of 2023, the guideline is expected to be

 News Environment

Politics must promote eco-friendly behavior

The German government’s environmental policy has long focused on the industrial sector. However, a recent report by the Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU) suggests that the

 News Psychology

Meat Consumption Rises Despite Campaigns

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg has found that information campaigns aimed at reducing meat consumption can lead to a psychological

 News Psychology

Porn Consumption Triggers Eating Disorders

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg has found that information campaigns aimed at reducing meat consumption can lead to a psychological

 News Psychology

Reduce Meat Consumption with Shocking Images

A recent study conducted by researchers at Durham University has found that warning labels and graphic images on meat products can significantly reduce the consumption

 News Environment

Meat consumption threatens global food supply.

The current food production system is threatening the future global food supply, according to a study by PwC Strategy& titled “The Coming Sustainable Food Revolution.”

 News Environment

PETA calls for meat-eating men sex ban.

PETA Calls for Sex Ban on Meat-Eating Men to Combat Climate Change A recent study by the University of Leeds has found that men’s high