News Technology

Bacteria Ink Enables 3D Bone Printing

Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) have developed a new 3D printing material that allows for the creation of lightweight,

 News Technology

Tiny robot navigates through needle’s eye.

A tiny micro-robot has been developed by a team at Northwestern University that can move without the use of mechanics, hydraulics, or electricity. The robot,

 News Biology

Self-replicating biorobots from frog cells

Xenobots, artificial life forms made from frog cells, can now reproduce on their own. These tiny biobots could potentially be used in the human body

 News Physics

Penetrating opaque materials with special light waves.

Scientists from the University of Utrecht and the Vienna University of Technology have developed a method to transmit complex optical information through opaque materials. Many

 News Medicine

Turmeric-infused foam heals scars-free wounds.

A new polymer foam infused with turmeric has been developed by scientists at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) that can