News Medicine

The Invisible Influence: Pharma Money and Medication Choice

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City has investigated whether financial support from pharmaceutical

 News Medicine

New Aspirin Side Effect in Seniors

A recent study conducted by the Monash University has discovered a dangerous side effect of aspirin that can be harmful to older adults. Many seniors

 News Medicine

Cannabis Eases Cancer Pain

Medical Cannabis Helps Reduce Cancer Pain and Medication Intake A recent study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has found that medical

 News Medicine

Medication Simulates Exercise Without Movement

A new weight loss medication has been developed that tricks the body into thinking it is training for a marathon. The drug, called SLU-PP-332, could

 News Medicine

Endurance Sports Trigger Natural Appetite Suppressants

A new molecule called N-lactoyl-Phenylalanin (Lac-Phe) has been discovered by researchers at Stanford University that could potentially form the basis of a medication to combat

 News Medicine

First Patient Receives Anti-Cancer Pill

A new anti-cancer pill called AOH1996 has been given to its first patient, with promising results reported by researchers at the City of Hope, one

 News Medicine

Lower Blood Pressure, Lower Mortality

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. However, a certain group of people

 News Medicine

Antidote prevents antibiotic side effects.

Antibiotics are known to attack not only harmful bacteria but also the beneficial ones in the gut, causing long-term changes in the gut microbiome of

 News Medicine

Smoking Protects Against Covid-19?

A new study from the University of Hiroshima has shed light on the paradoxical phenomenon that smokers are less likely to contract COVID-19, but more

 News Medicine

Frog foam as wound dressing

The foam produced by Tungara frogs is incredibly stable and is now being considered as a base for a new wound dressing that can release