News Medicine

CBD Reduces Seizures in Children

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the Mattel Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles have found that CBD products can significantly reduce epileptic seizures in children.

 News Medicine

Alcoholism cure with no side effects

A new drug has been developed to combat alcoholism without causing the negative effects associated with traditional treatments. Instead, the medication triggers the release of

 News Medicine

Men over 30 blame belly fat

A recent study conducted by Jay Chung, an expert in weight and age research at Dong-A University in South Korea, has found that a specific

 News Medicine

Nano Patches for Weight Loss?

A new study has found that weight loss can be achieved without diet or exercise, thanks to a specially developed nanotech patch. Researchers from Columbia

 News Medicine

Risks of ADHD Medications

A recent study has shown that an increasing number of parents are discontinuing medication-based ADHD therapy for their children. The medications used to treat ADHD,

 News Medicine

Double Survival Rate with Aspirin

A recent study conducted by Dutch researchers has found that regular intake of low doses of aspirin can almost double the average survival rate of

 News Medicine

Sports: Better Than Medicine

A recent study conducted by medical professionals has found that in many cases, exercise can be just as effective, if not more so, than medication.

 News Medicine

Brain Pacemaker Aids Parkinson’s Patients

A new hope for Parkinson’s patients has emerged in the form of a brain implant. For many patients, brain stimulation is proving to be more

 News Medicine

Plant beats drugs for malaria

A new study conducted by American researchers has found that dried and crushed leaves of the Artemisia plant are significantly more effective in combating malaria