News Technology

Revolutionary 3D Printing for Medical Use

Researchers at Concordia University in Montreal have developed an innovative 3D printing process that can build objects inside the human body. The Direct Sound Printing

 News Archeology

Skull Surgery in Stone Age

In a groundbreaking discovery, archaeologists have found evidence of successful head surgery during the Stone Age. A team led by Sonia Díaz-Navarro from the Universidad

 News Medicine

CRISPRoff: Permanently Deactivating Genes

Scientists at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research have developed a gene switch called CRISPRoff that can permanently deactivate individual genes without altering DNA. The

 News Medicine

Stopping Coronavirus Spread with Crispr

A new treatment method has been developed by scientists at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia, using the enzyme Crispr/Cas13b

 News Medicine

Self-Dissolving Heart Pacemaker

The development of a fully biodegradable temporary pacemaker has been hailed as a significant breakthrough in modern medicine. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people

 News Medicine

CBD Eases Chemotherapy Side Effects

CBD (Cannabidiol) has been found to have numerous positive effects on the human body, including the ability to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy, according

 News Medicine

Google AI detects breast cancer early

Google Health’s software, DeepMind, is set to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. In a recent study, the accuracy of the Google AI

 News Psychology

Placebo triggers hallucinogenic drug trip.

The placebo effect is not limited to traditional medication, but also applies to hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. This discovery could lead to better treatment for

 News Medicine

Golden mushroom compound fights coronavirus

Researchers have discovered that the bromotyrosines found in the Gold Sponge can combat multi-resistant bacteria and RNA viruses. A clinical study is set to investigate

 News Chemistry

Powerful Natural Substance Beats Detergent

The soil fungus Mortierella alpina has been found to produce natural surfactants that outperform traditional chemical products. This discovery could lead to the development of