News Medicine

Chinese tree may cure cancer.

A rare tree species, Abies beshanzuensis, found only in China, has been found to contain a compound that can suppress tumor growth. Unfortunately, there are

 News Chemistry

Bacteria create biofuel from dairy waste.

A new conversion process has been developed that turns whey, a byproduct of the dairy industry, into fuel, animal feed, and medicine using a bioreactor

 News Medicine

Killer Viruses Target Superbugs

Genetically modified phages have shown great potential in combating multi-resistant bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, these viruses have no side effects because they only target specific pathogens.

 News Medicine

Trained dogs detect Malaria infections

Dogs have long been known to have an incredible sense of smell, and their ability to detect certain diseases has been proven time and time

 News Technology

China Develops Laser Assault Rifle

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have created a molecular robot that can assemble individual molecules into new substances using a tiny gripping arm. The robot,

 News Medicine

HIV hiding in human body found

A recent article published in the scientific journal Nature by a team of French scientists has given new hope to doctors and HIV-infected patients. The

 News Technology

Power-free fridge innovation

Berlin-based start-up company has been working on a refrigerator that operates without electricity since 2012. Julia Römer, an industrial engineer, wanted to reduce the electricity

 News Technology

Liquid Core Pressure-Sensitive Displays

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers have successfully created a new cloaking device that can make objects appear invisible from multiple angles without distorting the

 News Medicine

Placebo Research: Medical Experts’ Conclusion

Medical researchers have confirmed that placebos, including medications without active ingredients and empathetic doctors, can help alleviate patients’ pain. This week, numerous international medical professionals