News Medicine

Brain Recognizes Familiar Music Instantly

Music is not only a global cultural phenomenon, but it also has a unique place in human memory, according to a study by the University

 News Medicine

Flu’s Long-Term Impact on Brain

A new study has revealed that the flu virus can cause long-term damage to the brain. While most people recover from the flu within a

 News Medicine

Brain Implant Boosts Performance

In a groundbreaking development, scientists have successfully implanted a device in the brains of epilepsy patients that significantly enhances memory and learning capabilities. Led by

 News Psychology

Why Does the Return Trip Seem Shorter?

Have you ever noticed that the return trip from a vacation always seems to go by faster than the journey there? This phenomenon is known

 News Medicine

One Neuron for Every Face

The ability to recognize faces is different from simply seeing them with our eyes. While we use visual perception for information input, familiar faces are

 News Psychology

Little Kids Don’t Learn Language by Parroting

New research from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia has revealed that young children learn language in a much more creative way than previously thought.