News Physics

Experimental Proof of Self-Healing Metals

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found that metals possess self-healing properties that can repair small cracks without human intervention. This discovery could lead to

 News Chemistry

Bacteria Power Bio-Battery

A new biohybrid battery has been developed that uses exoelectrogenic microbes of the Shewanella oneidensis species to produce electricity. These microbes have been known to

 News Archeology

Bronze Age Zinnhandel between Asia and Europe

A recent study by the University of Heidelberg has revealed that a complex trading system connected Asia and Europe over 4,000 years ago. The study

 News Physics

Unsinkable Metal Created

Scientists at the University of Rochester have developed a nanostructure that can make all metals unsinkable. The researchers were inspired by water spiders, fire ants,

 News Geology

X-rays aid gold prospecting.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting gold in the earth’s crust using X-rays. The technique, called Gamma Activation Analysis (GAA), works by bombarding