News Medicine

Possible Cause of Cancer Metastasis Discovered

Researchers at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg have discovered why the removal of a tumor can promote the formation of metastases and how

 News Medicine

Destroying Liver Cancer with Ultrasound

A new treatment method for liver cancer based on ultrasound waves is offering hope for patients. According to the German Cancer Society, the number of

 News Medicine

Breast Cancer Turns Killer Cells into Helpers

New research has revealed that killer cells, which are usually the perfect weapon against cancer tumors and metastases, can be reprogrammed by contact with cancer

 News Medicine

Chromosome Decay Causes Cancer

Chromothripsis, or chromosome explosions, have been found in 49% of all cancer cases. These tumors are more aggressive than those caused by slow mutations and

 News Medicine

Doctors convert cancer cells to fat

Researchers have successfully transformed cancer cells into harmless fat cells, with the added benefit that this treatment can be applied to metastases. The team led

 News Medicine

Universal Cancer Vaccine on Horizon

German researchers may have made a breakthrough in the fight against cancer with the help of a vaccine. Every year, 224,000 people in Germany die