News Medicine

Young Blood Extends Life

A groundbreaking experiment with mice has shown that the blood of young animals can reset the “life clock” of older mice. Similar treatments for humans

 News Medicine

Night Vision Enabled with Nanoparticle Injection

Scientists have developed nanoparticles that allow mice to see infrared light, according to a study published in the journal Cell. The researchers injected the mice

 News Medicine

Instant Radiation Therapy Kills Tumor

In Germany, cancer is the second leading cause of death, with over 239,000 people dying from the disease in 2020. Despite significant progress in cancer

 News Medicine

Natural brake prevents cocaine addiction

New research has found that the interaction between the stimulating neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the brain can determine whether or not a person develops

 News Medicine

Brain Aging Stopped by Fecal Transplant

Groundbreaking research from the University of Cork has found that stool transplants from young mice can significantly improve the memory performance of older mice. The

 News Biology

Single Gene Boosts Mouse Intelligence

The question of why humans are more intelligent than other living beings has long been a topic of scientific inquiry. One possible answer is that

 News Biology

Nanoparticles Make Infrared Visible

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Chinese University of Science and Technology have developed a method to alter the vision of

 News Medicine

New hair growth with cell transplantation.

Scientists in the United States have developed an alternative approach to hair transplantation that involves transplanting cells under the scalp instead of hair. For many

 News Medicine

Progress in Alzheimer’s Treatment

Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this debilitating illness. However, researchers in

 News Medicine

New Antibiotic Discovered by Researchers

A groundbreaking new antibiotic has been discovered by an international team of researchers. This antibiotic is effective against numerous pathogens without developing resistance. However, it