News Astronomy

Possible title: Human may have destroyed life on Mars

NASA’s Viking 1 and Viking 2 spacecraft may have discovered signs of life on Mars during their 1976 missions, but inadvertently killed any potential life

 News Biology

Reviving 90,000-year-old bacteria

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have reconstructed the genetic blueprint of ancient bacteria and used modern microbes to recreate them. These prehistoric biomolecules offer new

 News Biology

30,000 New Viruses Found in Single-Celled Organisms

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the University of Innsbruck have found over 30,000 new viruses in the genetic material of single-celled organisms from an

 News Biology

New Alien Group Discovered

A team of researchers from the University of British Columbia and the Russian Academy of Sciences has discovered a new supergroup of organisms that fills

 News Chemistry

Human Enzyme Breaks Down Plastic

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found an enzyme in human saliva that can efficiently break down PET plastic into its basic components. While it

 News Environment

Worms Eat Plastic and Styrofoam

In a world where plastic waste is a growing concern, scientists at the University of Queensland may have found a solution in the form of

 News Chemistry

Bacteria Power Bio-Battery

A new biohybrid battery has been developed that uses exoelectrogenic microbes of the Shewanella oneidensis species to produce electricity. These microbes have been known to

 News Biology

Microbes Win in Atacama Desert

Researchers in the United States have discovered that bacteria can survive in extreme conditions in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The bacteria were found to

 News Geology

Meteor Impact Sparks Life Below Ground

Bacteria have been found to live 620 meters below the Earth’s surface in the Siljan meteorite crater in Sweden, according to a study of core

 News Medicine

Healing Earth with Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria

Scientists have discovered microbes in the alkaline soil of an ancient Druidic site in Northern Ireland that can inhibit the growth of multi-resistant infection-causing bacteria.