News Biology

First virus-eating creature discovered.

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found single-celled organisms that feed on viruses. Despite viruses being present in almost all living organisms, no creature has

 News Medicine

Artificial Smallpox Virus Threatens Millions

Scientists are warning that artificially created viruses could potentially kill millions of people in the future. Researchers are calling for a halt to further research

 News Biology

Tiny bacteria discovered below life’s minimum size

Microbiologists have discovered tiny bacteria in sterile water samples that were thought to have been filtered out by modern filtration systems. These unknown bacteria were

 News Biology

Animals Utilize Genes from Bacteria

Ticks have been found to possess a toxin gene of bacterial origin that helps protect them from Lyme disease. Researchers from the University of Washington

 News Biology

Bacteria Feed on Electrons

In a groundbreaking discovery, microbiologists from the University of Southern California have found a new form of life – bacteria that feed solely on electrons.

 News Biology

Mystery of Unknown Viruses’ DNA

French researchers have discovered a new giant virus that surpasses all previously known giant viruses. However, the researchers are puzzled because the genes of the