News Technology

China tests special material for hypersonic planes.

China has developed a new coating for hyperspeed aircraft that can withstand long flights. Hyperspeed, which is over Mach 5 (6,175 km/h), could revolutionize both

 News Archeology

Discover Roman Military Camps with Google Earth

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the University of Oxford have uncovered three Roman military camps in the Jordanian desert. The camps are believed to

 News Chemistry

Artificial Allomelanins Protect Against Chemicals

Researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston have created a synthetic version of allomelanin, a pigment found in nature that can filter out harmful gases and

 News Technology

US Military to Receive Mobile Nuclear Power Plants

The US military is set to receive a mobile nuclear reactor to power remote bases both domestically and abroad. According to the Department of Defense,

 News Psychology

Proof of Extrasensory Perception Found

In a groundbreaking study, German scientists have explored the possibility of humans receiving information without using their five senses through the standardized process of Remote

 News Technology

Self-guided bullet hits target always.

The US military has developed a revolutionary rifle bullet that can adjust its flight path mid-air to track and hit a target. The Defense Advanced

 News Technology

Liquid Core Pressure-Sensitive Displays

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers have successfully created a new cloaking device that can make objects appear invisible from multiple angles without distorting the