News Technology

Suzuki’s Motorrad Climbs Stairs

Suzuki Unveils MOQBA: A Revolutionary Vehicle for Seniors Suzuki has recently unveiled its latest innovation, the Modular Quad Based Architecture (MOQBA), at the Japan Mobility

 News Economics

German Dependence on Cars

A recent study conducted by the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach on behalf of the Association of the German Automotive Industry (VDA) has examined the importance

 News Technology

E-Fuel Research Facility in Germany

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is researching how to produce electric-based liquid fuels (E-Fuels) on an industrial scale. This comes as the European Union (EU)

 News Technology

Electric car on hoverboard technology

Inventist CEO Shane Chen has unveiled an innovative concept for an electric car that resembles a hoverboard. The vehicle, named “Shane,” has no conventional steering,

 News Medicine

86% Support Senior Driver Testing

A recent survey has found that 86% of participants are in favor of retesting senior citizens’ driving abilities. Statistics show that individuals over the age

 News Medicine

Implant Enables Paralyzed to Walk

A new implant that stimulates the spinal cord through electrical impulses is allowing paraplegics to walk again. Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

 News Environment

Pollution zones lower residents’ satisfaction.

Umweltzonen Improve Air Quality and Health, but Temporarily Lower Residents’ Quality of Life According to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW

 News Economics

Educated Germans Bike More

A recent study conducted by sociologist Ansgar Hudde from the University of Cologne has found that people with higher education levels in Germany tend to

 News Technology

AI Exoskeleton Aids Mobility Impaired

A revolutionary new development in the field of prosthetics has been made by scientists at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. They have combined

 News Medicine

Mind-Computer Interface Controls Wheelchair

A new brain-computer interface (BCI) has been developed that allows individuals to control a wheelchair using their thoughts. The BCI system aims to provide independent