News Medicine

ICU Overload Causes Excess Mortality

The occupancy of intensive care units (ICUs) with COVID-19 patients is directly linked to an increase in mortality rates in the general population. This means

 News Medicine

Physical Labor Makes You Sick

A new study conducted by scientists at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen has found that high levels of physical activity

 News Environment

Harmful Air Pollution Below Limits

Air pollution is responsible for the deaths of approximately 800,000 people in Europe and 4.5 million people globally each year. The World Health Organization (WHO)

 News Medicine

Football Watching Increases Heart Attack Risk

The 2014 World Cup saw a significant increase in heart attacks among German viewers, according to a study by researchers at the Center for Cardiology

 News Medicine

Smoking Increases COVID-19 Mortality

Smoking has been found to significantly increase the hospitalization and mortality rates of COVID-19 patients. Previous studies did not always show this correlation because they

 News Medicine

Underestimated COVID-19 Deaths in Italy

A shocking new study has revealed that the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 in Italy is much higher than previously reported. According to official

 News Medicine

COVID-19 Increases Post-Op Mortality

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges to the healthcare system worldwide. A recent study published in The Lancet by the CovidSurg Collaborative, an

 News Medicine

Longer Life with Coffee Consumption

A recent study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal suggests that coffee consumption may have a life-extending effect. The study analyzed data from approximately

 News Medicine

Delaying Retirement Boosts Life Expectancy

A recent study from the United States has found that working longer can actually lead to a longer life. The study focused on the transition

 News Medicine

New Hope for Pulmonary Hypertension

A breakthrough in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has been announced by Actelion Ltd. The Swiss biopharmaceutical company has released the results of