News Medicine

Nanotechnology aids eye cell cultivation.

A new nanostructure has been developed that could potentially restore vision to people suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other vision impairments. AMD is

 News Chemistry

Efficient Fuel Production from CO

A new photokatalysis system has been developed that is more efficient than natural photosynthesis. This system can convert CO2 in water into methane and hydrogen,

 News Technology

Tiny robot navigates through needle’s eye.

A tiny micro-robot has been developed by a team at Northwestern University that can move without the use of mechanics, hydraulics, or electricity. The robot,

 News Technology

5D Optical Storage: 13.8 Billion-Year Data Security

A new laser writing process has been developed to secure data in an optical 5D glass storage, with the aim of making the data readable

 News Chemistry

World Record: Fabric Thinner Than Atom

Scientists at the University of Manchester have developed the thinnest fabric in the world using a chemical process. The mesh of chain-like organic molecules is

 News Physics

Record Efficiency in Transparent Solar Cells

Scientists have developed a new method to create graphite from coal dust using a conventional microwave. Graphite is a sought-after material used in pencils, lithium-ion

 News Technology

Organic Brain Inspires Nanoelectronics

The human brain is capable of impressive feats. It can react to spontaneous actions in seconds and trigger a corresponding impulse. Compared to computer technology,

 News Technology

Shrinking Objects to Nano-Size

MIT Researchers Develop New Method for Creating High-Precision 3D Nano-Objects In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge have

 News Chemistry

Bend Small Diamonds Like Rubber

Diamonds, known for their strength and durability, have been found to be flexible and able to change their properties when reduced to nanoscale size. Researchers

 News Physics

2 + 1 ≠ Always 3

In a surprising discovery, researchers have demonstrated a case where the interactions of three particles in an emulsion do not add up linearly. This phenomenon,