News Physics

Electrons Stable for 66 Quadrillion Years

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have demonstrated a case where the interactions of three particles in an emulsion do not behave in a linear manner.

 News Biology

Snail Teeth: Nature’s Strongest Material

The tiny teeth of the limpet snail have been discovered to be the hardest biological material known to man. These small teeth are comparable in

 News Medicine

Nanotechnology to conquer cancer

A new breakthrough in cancer research has been made by scientists at the Cancer Research Center of the University of California. They have developed a

 News Medicine

Glowing Tumors: A Breakthrough Discovery

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers have successfully used nanotechnology to detect even the smallest tumors. The tiny nanoparticles cause the tumors to glow, allowing

 News Technology

Nano Particles Reveal Paper Fingerprints

Israeli researchers have developed a new method that uses nanotechnology to make fingerprints visible on paper and other difficult surfaces. Previously, fingerprints on paper were