News Astronomy

NASA’s Lucy Probe Reveals Jupiter’s Secrets

The NASA spacecraft Lucy has recently completed its first test flight, passing by the asteroid Dinkinesh. This marks a significant milestone in the exploration of

 News Astronomy

Extracting Oxygen from Moon Rocks

NASA Extracts Oxygen from Moon Rock Using Laser NASA scientists have successfully extracted oxygen from artificial moon rock using a laser. This process could be

 News Astronomy

Dark Moon Craters Captured Sans Sunlight

NASA Camera Captures Images of Moon Craters in Shadow NASA has recently released images of moon craters and other objects that are not directly illuminated

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NASA’s New Super Alloy Lasts 1,000x Longer

NASA and Ohio State University have collaborated to develop a new alloy for aircraft and spacecraft components that is significantly more durable even at extreme

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Book Stratospheric Balloon Flights

French company Zephalto is now offering balloon flights to the stratosphere, with tourists able to reserve their spots starting in 2025. The start-up has developed

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Deadly Asteroid Approaching Earth

An asteroid named 2012 KY3 is currently approaching Earth and is expected to pass by on April 13, 2023. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies

 News Astronomy

High-Resolution Map of Mars Released

The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has released an interactive map of Mars, made up of over 110,000 images taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s

 News Astronomy

Moon Holds 270 Billion Tons Water

A recent study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences has revealed that the moon contains up to 270 billion tons of water. This discovery is

 News Astronomy

New spaceship engine accelerates space exploration.

Scientists at the University of California have presented a new propulsion system called the Pellet-Beam Drive, which could significantly accelerate space travel and aid in

 News Astronomy

Surprising Frequency of Asteroid Impacts

New analyses of craters reveal that destructive asteroids hit the Earth much more frequently than previously thought. According to a recent study presented at the