News Medicine

Parkinson’s Trigger Discovered

Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative disorder that causes a continuous loss of nerve cells in the brain, has affected over six million people worldwide. Unfortunately, there

 News Medicine

Why Human Brain Needs Energy

The brain is a vital organ that requires a significant amount of energy to function, even during periods of rest. A new study conducted by

 News Medicine

Blind Mouse Regains Sight through Nerve Cell Reprogramming

A groundbreaking new treatment has successfully reversed blindness in mice by resetting their epigenetic clock. The Harvard Medical School team, led by David Sinclair, used

 News Medicine

Growing Human Skin with Hair and Nerves from Stem Cells

Scientists have successfully grown nearly complete human skin from embryonic stem cells, which could be used in the future to treat skin diseases, reconstructive surgery

 News Biology

Fruit fly neurons mimic 1,400 cells

Fruchtfliegen have specially developed amacrine cells to process the information from their complex eyes. The CT1 nerve cells have isolated cell units that can process

 News Medicine

Brain Cholesterol Speeds Alzheimer’s Plaque

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered a link between the beta-amyloid deposits typical of Alzheimer’s disease and cholesterol. The scientists found that cholesterol

 News Medicine

Reviving Paralysis with Nerve Transplantation

In a groundbreaking medical breakthrough, doctors in Poland have successfully transplanted nerve cells from a patient’s nose into his spinal cord, allowing him to walk

 News Medicine

Diabetes drug may aid MS

In the search for a cure for the chronic disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an international team of researchers has discovered a diabetes medication that shows

 News Medicine

Pesticides Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Toxic pesticides used on fruits and vegetables can trigger Parkinson’s disease, according to researchers at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital in Germany. The team