News Medicine

Brain’s Memory Storage Mechanism

The human brain is a complex network of cells that constantly change and adapt. Recent breakthroughs in neuroscience have shown that forgetting is not a

 News Medicine

Early Completion of Human Brain Development

New research from the University of Pittsburgh challenges the long-held belief that the human brain does not fully mature until the age of 25. The

 News Medicine

STXBP6 Gene Deletion and Neurological Disorders

Researchers have identified a key genetic mutation linked to developmental epileptic encephalopathy (DEE) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study led by Mirella Vinci from

 News Psychology

Do Humans Have Free Will?

The Libet experiments from the 1970s and 1980s suggested that humans do not have free will. Now, the experiments have been repeated to solve the

 News Medicine

New Anxiety Suppression Gene Found

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Scientists at the University of Bristol have identified a gene that regulates anxiety

 News Medicine

Neuralink: Brain Chips for Humans

Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, is set to implant its brain-control interface (BCI) in humans within the next six months. The BCI is designed to help

 News Technology

Human Brains Learn Faster Than AI

In a groundbreaking development, a start-up company in Australia has successfully grown human mini-brains in petri dishes that can learn to play the classic video

 News Medicine

Implant Enables Paralyzed to Walk

A new implant that stimulates the spinal cord through electrical impulses is allowing paraplegics to walk again. Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

 News Biology

Genetic Experiment Creates Fighting Hamsters

A recent study conducted by the Georgia State University has shown that the gene-editing tool, Crispr/Cas9, does not always produce the desired results. The researchers

 News Medicine

Brain Implant Creates Direct Images

Scientists have successfully implanted a chip into the brains of monkeys that generates images in the visual cortex. This technology could potentially restore basic vision