News Medicine

Body’s opioids increase religious connection.

Religious rituals have been found to release opioids in the brain, significantly increasing the sense of connection between participants. These rituals, which involve synchronous movements,

 News Technology

Brain-Computer Implant: Neuralink

Elon Musk’s start-up, Neuralink, has demonstrated a brain-computer interface on a pig, with the aim of using the implant to treat diseases and injuries, such

 News Medicine

Ginseng: Miracle Cure for Alzheimer’s?

A groundbreaking discovery has been made by scientists at the National University of Seoul, who have found that bacteria living in the soil can produce

 News Medicine

Stronger Muscles, Stronger Nerves

Newcastle University researchers have published a study in the Journal of Neuroscience that shows that muscle training also strengthens the nervous system. The experiment involved

 News Medicine

Boost Brain Power with Reading

Learning to read and write leads to a restructuring of the brain and improves cognitive abilities in other areas, according to recent research. While reading

 News Biology

Hydra stem cells reveal immortality secret.

The Hydra, a freshwater animal from the cnidarian family, has been found to possess three stem cell populations that allow it to regenerate and age

 News Medicine

Brain-Computer Interface Translates Neural Signals

In a groundbreaking study published in the journal Nature, scientists at the University of California in San Francisco have successfully converted neural signals into speech.

 News Medicine

Revival of Brain Cells After Death

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at Yale School of Medicine have managed to partially revive a pig’s brain four hours after its death. Using the

 News Medicine

Human gene inserted into monkey brain

Chinese and American scientists have successfully implanted the human gene MCPH1 into the brains of Rhesus monkeys. The gene is responsible for brain development, and

 News Medicine

Genetic Mutation Reduces Sleep Needs

A new study by scientists at the University of California in San Francisco has identified a gene responsible for reducing the amount of sleep some