News Physics

First Evidence of Neutrinos in Particle Accelerator

In a groundbreaking discovery, the FASER detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the CERN research center has detected neutrinos in a particle accelerator

 News Physics

LHC hints at neutrinos

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at CERN may have detected neutrinos for the first time using a new measuring instrument at the Large Hadron Collider

 News Physics

Evidence of Reverse Parallel Universe Found

In a groundbreaking scientific experiment conducted in Antarctica, physicists have detected elementary particles with mysterious properties that they believe may have originated from a parallel

 News Physics

Mystery Deepens in Antarctic Anomaly

In the depths of the Antarctic, scientists have been left scratching their heads over a mysterious anomaly that has yet to be explained. The ANITA

 News Physics

Neutrino Mass Halved in New Measurement

Neutrinos, also known as ghost particles, are among the most common elementary particles in the universe. Due to their lack of interaction with other matter,

 News Physics

Atom decay proven after 18 trillion years

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have accidentally observed the rarest process in the universe in an underground laboratory. While searching for dark matter, researchers at