News Medicine

Can Strength Training Lower Blood Pressure?

A recent meta-study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise has investigated whether strength training can lower blood pressure in individuals

 News Medicine

Beet Molecule Boosts Muscle Strength

Nitrate, an active molecule found in beetroot, has been found to significantly increase maximum muscle strength during fitness training. A study conducted by the University

 News Medicine

Prevent Infections with Anti-Covid Nasal Spray

A new nasal spray called Enovid, developed by Canadian pharmaceutical company SaNOtize, claims to prevent Covid-19 infection. According to a press release from the company,

 News Medicine

Acupuncture has biological effects.

For years, the effectiveness of acupuncture has been a topic of debate among both the general public and medical professionals. While some swear by the

 News Technology

Bio-Hybrid Robot: Researchers at Work

Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in robotics by enabling living cells to communicate with electronic components. This development brings researchers one step closer to