News Medicine

Reading Thoughts with Brain Scanners

A new non-invasive system has been developed that can translate basic thoughts into continuous text using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and artificial intelligence (AI).

 News Medicine

Stick-on Ultrasound Device Developed

Revolutionary Ultrasound Device Allows for High-Quality Long-Term Imaging of Human Organs In the field of medicine, ultrasound is one of the safest methods for non-invasive

 News Medicine

Destroying Liver Cancer with Ultrasound

A new treatment method for liver cancer based on ultrasound waves is offering hope for patients. According to the German Cancer Society, the number of

 News Medicine

Smartphone-based Blood Sugar Monitoring

Afon Technology, a Welsh company, is developing a non-invasive blood glucose monitoring sensor that could eliminate the need for diabetics to prick their fingers up

 News Medicine

30-Minute Brain Tumor Removal by Medical Robot

In just 30 minutes, a new robot called ZAP-X can perform a brain tumor treatment that typically takes five hours of surgery, a day in

 News Medicine

New Sensor Measures Blood Sugar Non-Invasively

A new glove with electromagnetic sensors can measure blood sugar levels as accurately as traditional blood tests. The results will be transmitted to a smartphone

 News Medicine

Detecting Colon Cancer through Breath

Italian researchers have developed a new diagnostic method that could detect colon cancer through analyzing exhaled breath. The study found that certain gaseous substances were