News Economics

Nuclear Exit to Lower Electricity Prices

Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear power is expected to lead to a drop in electricity prices, according to a leading politician. The country’s three

 News Astronomy

3D-Printed Moon Base in China

China has announced plans to conduct multiple moon missions in the coming years, with the goal of establishing a permanent base on the lunar surface

 News Technology

China to Launch First Thorium Reactor

China is set to launch the world’s first liquid salt reactor, which has significant advantages over traditional nuclear power plants and is expected to be

 News Technology

France speeds up nuclear power plant construction

France Accelerates Nuclear Power Plant Construction to Reduce Dependence on Russia France, which already produces three-quarters of its electricity from nuclear power plants, has passed

 News Economics

Germans Reject Nuclear Exit

Germany is set to shut down its last three nuclear power plants this coming Saturday. However, recent surveys show that the country is divided on

 News Astronomy

Rolls-Royce Builds Nuclear Power Plant for Moon

Rolls-Royce is developing a mini nuclear power plant for the moon, with plans to complete a demonstrator by 2029. As various space agencies plan manned

 News Technology

Europe’s First Mini Nuclear Plant

Europe’s first Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is set to be built in the Czech Republic. The mini nuclear power plant aims to make the country

 News Environment

Small reactors create more nuclear waste.

A new study has revealed that small modular reactors (SMRs), which are being developed in many countries as a safer and cheaper alternative to larger

 News Technology

China’s First Liquid Salt Reactor

China is set to begin testing the world’s first liquid salt reactor, which could play a key role in producing climate-neutral electricity in the future.

 News Environment

Nuclear Power Fails Climate Change

A recent metastudy based on the criteria of the EU Taxonomy Regulation has found that the continued operation of nuclear power plants does not help