News Medicine

Ready-made meals accelerate aging.

According to recent research, processed foods such as frozen pizza, sausages, and cookies not only increase the long-term risk of becoming overweight and sick, but

 News Medicine

Processed Foods Increase Heart Disease Risk

New studies have shown that increased consumption of processed foods significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the mortality rate was 62% higher

 News Medicine

Bargain Hunters More Likely Overweight

A recent study conducted by Cancer Research UK has found that individuals who frequently purchase items on offer are more likely to be overweight or

 News Biology

Vegan Shark: Not Just Meat-Eater

A recent experiment has confirmed a long-held suspicion among biologists: the bonnethead shark is not a pure carnivore and enjoys eating seagrass. The bonnethead shark

 News Medicine

Vegan Diet Harms Children’s Health

More and more parents are opting for a vegan diet for their children, believing it to be a healthier option. However, German doctors are warning

 News Medicine

Dangerous Synthetic Vitamins in Cereal

A new report from the American environmental and consumer organization, Environmental Working Group (EWG), has revealed that breakfast cereals, bars, and similar products containing synthetically

 News Biology

Gender of Chicks Influenced by Prachtfinken

A new study conducted by Australian biologists has found that the physical condition of a mother bird does not affect the gender of her offspring.