News Astronomy

Germany’s spaceport to launch first rocket

Germany has announced plans to build a floating spaceport in the North Sea in 2020. The German Offshore Spaceport Alliance (GOSA) aims to launch rockets

 News Technology

Vertical axis wind turbines planned in Norway.

A new wind farm is set to be built in the sea off the coast of Norway, using a unique type of wind turbine. Swedish

 News Astronomy

Germany’s Spaceport Launches Operations This Year

Germany’s first spaceport is set to begin operations in 2023, with regular rocket launches carrying small satellites into space from a floating platform in the

 News Technology

Innovative Wind Turbine Developed by Company

Norwegian company World Wide Wind is developing an innovative offshore wind power plant that is expected to surpass the power output of current facilities. The

 News Technology

New Wind Turbine with Small Wheels

Norwegian company Wind Catching Systems (WCS) has unveiled a new offshore wind power system that can generate electricity for 80,000 European households. With wind farm

 News Technology

Floating Wind Turbine Tested Successfully

A floating wind turbine model, Nezzy2, has been successfully tested during a storm surge in the Baltic Sea. The full-sized Nezzy2 will be tested for