News Technology

Start-up to Build Batteries on Seabed

Ocean Grazer, a Dutch start-up, has developed an environmentally friendly energy storage system that utilizes dam technology to store excess electricity generated by offshore wind

 News Environment

Wind Farms Disrupt Waterbirds

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Kiel has found that offshore wind farms negatively impact the populations of certain seabirds. The

 News Technology

Wind turbine sets power record

Siemens Gamesa, a leading wind turbine manufacturer, has broken the record for wind power production with its prototype SG 14-222 DD wind turbine. In just

 News Environment

Changing North Sea with Windparks

Offshore wind farms are becoming increasingly popular in Germany as the country aims to rely more on renewable energy sources. However, environmentalists and some scientists

 News Environment

Unprecedented Forest Die-Off in Germany

Offshore wind farms are becoming increasingly popular in Germany as the country aims to rely more on renewable energy sources. However, environmentalists and some scientists

 News Economics

Cheaper Wind Energy in Future

The cost of wind energy is set to significantly decrease in the coming years, with experts predicting a possible halving by 2050. According to a