Story Biology

Giants Among Rodents

Five-kilogram rats, towering 10 times larger than today’s counterparts, once shared the world with humans. Fossil evidence indicates that these colossal rodents were not only

 Story Biology

Homo Naledi: Another Piece in the Human Puzzle

A recent addition to the human evolutionary family, Homo naledi, poses a fascinating enigma. Despite its primitive body structure, this species appears to be much

 News Biology

Ancient Silk Weavers: Tailed Ancestors in Amber

Unveiling a mesmerizing glimpse into the past, 100-million-year-old amber from Myanmar has yielded proto-spiders, equipped with a silk-weaving organ and a distinctive feature—long, hairy tails.

 News Biology

Giant Amphibian Found in Garden Wall

A rare discovery of a fossilized amphibian, similar in appearance to the Chinese giant salamander, has been made in Australia. The fossil was found by

 News Biology

Oldest Spider in Germany Discovered

In Lower Saxony, Germany, the oldest spider fossil in the country has been discovered. The Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki species is estimated to be 310 to 315

 News Biology

Oldest African burial site discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, the oldest burial site in the history of hominins has been found in Africa. The discovery challenges previous assumptions about human

 News Biology

Earliest Ancestors of Modern Dolphins Discovered

A new species of toothed whale, Olympicetus thalassodon, has been discovered by Jorge Velez-Juarbe, a paleontologist at the National History Museum of Los Angeles County.

 News Biology

Rare Pterosaur Species Found in Germany

In a quarry in Oberfranken, Germany, researchers from the University of Portsmouth and the State Natural History Collections of Bavaria (SNSB) have discovered an unusual

 News Biology

Oldest Fossil of Live-Bearing Snake Found

In Germany, scientists have discovered the oldest fossil of a live-bearing snake. The snake lived 47 million years ago and was pregnant with at least

 News Biology

Fossilized Hairy Snail Found in Amber

A new species of snail with hair has been discovered in a piece of amber from Myanmar, dating back to 99 million years ago during