News Biology

Europe’s Largest Dinosaur Unearthed

In Portugal, the discovery of what is believed to be the largest dinosaur skeleton in Europe has been made. The sauropod lived approximately 150 million

 News Biology

Frozen Woolly Mammoth Baby Found in Canada

Gold miners in the Yukon region of Canada have stumbled upon the most well-preserved mammoth ever found in North America. The woolly mammoth baby, which

 News Biology

Megalodon’s Maximum Size in Cold Waters

A recent study has revealed that the Megalodon, an extinct species of shark, only reached its enormous size in colder regions of the ocean. The

 News Biology

Tiny Tubes May Be Oldest Fossil

In a seemingly unremarkable rock, the remains of some deep-sea sponges could be found. If they are as old as some scientists suspect, they would

 News Biology

New Giant Dinosaur Found in Australia

Australotitan cooperensis, the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia, has been discovered after 15 years of excavation. The dinosaur was estimated to be as long

 News Biology

German fossils reveal domesticated dogs

New evidence suggests that the domestication of dogs may have occurred in the southwest region of Germany, specifically in Baden-Württemberg. Fossils found in the Gnirshöhle

 News Biology

Ancient Ammonite Found in Amber

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found a 99 million-year-old ammonite preserved in amber in Myanmar. Ammonites, which are relatives of modern-day squids, have only

 News Biology

Revamp Dinosaur Family Tree: Researchers Urge

A recent study by British paleontologists has fundamentally challenged the stable family tree of dinosaurs that has been in place for almost a century. The

 News Biology

Forgotten Dinosaurs in Museum Archives

A spectacular dinosaur discovery that occurred over 50 years ago has recently been identified as a new species by researchers. In 1958, paleontologists discovered various

 News Biology

Whale Skeleton Found in Peruvian Desert

Millions of years old whale skeletons have been discovered in the Ocucaje desert in Peru, where archaeologists and geologists are currently conducting excavations under high