News Psychology

Narcissism and Muscle Obsession in Men

The desire for more muscles, known as muscle dysmorphia or “Adonis complex,” is a body dysmorphic disorder that primarily affects men. Those who suffer from

 News Medicine

Kids Wearing Diapers More Often

The increasing number of children wearing diapers in Swiss schools has become a cause for concern. This phenomenon is not limited to Switzerland but is

 News Psychology

Calm screaming babies with ease.

A recent study conducted in Japan has revealed that walking while carrying a baby is the most effective way to calm a crying infant and

 News Medicine

Strict Parenting May Shrink Brains

A new study has found that harsh parenting can lead to smaller brain structures in children, which can even be detected through X-ray images. While

 News Medicine

Strict parenting shrinks children’s brains.

A new study from the University of Montreal has found that a consistently strict upbringing can have similar effects on a child’s brain development as

 News Biology

Gender of Chicks Influenced by Prachtfinken

A new study conducted by Australian biologists has found that the physical condition of a mother bird does not affect the gender of her offspring.