News Physics

Big Bang – Record Measurement at CERN

Physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have measured protons and antiprotons with unprecedented precision. The experiment aimed to understand why matter and

 News Physics

LHC hints at neutrinos

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at CERN may have detected neutrinos for the first time using a new measuring instrument at the Large Hadron Collider

 News Physics

New Tetraquark Discovered at CERN

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has made a groundbreaking discovery, detecting a tetraquark made up of a single type of charm quark for

 News Physics

Neutrino Mass Halved in New Measurement

Neutrinos, also known as ghost particles, are among the most common elementary particles in the universe. Due to their lack of interaction with other matter,

 News Physics

Antimatter Research with Particle Accelerator

The Japanese particle accelerator, SuperKEKB, has begun operations and is set to investigate the differences between matter and antimatter, as well as search for dark

 News Technology

World’s Smallest Particle Accelerator

Physicists at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California have developed a particle accelerator that is significantly smaller and cheaper than the Large Hadron Collider

 News Physics

Six-Quark Exotic Matter Confirmed

Physicists have made a groundbreaking discovery by detecting exotic matter made up of six quarks, a significant step forward in particle physics. Normal matter is