News Medicine

New Human Taste Discovered

A new sixth taste has been identified by researchers at the University of Southern California. The classic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

 News Biology

The Social Brain of Dogs Examined

Dogs and humans have been closely connected for at least 15,000 years, sharing many similarities in their social information processing. A recent study sheds new

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation affects human perception.

Sleep deprivation has long been known to cause lack of concentration and fatigue. However, a recent study has found that it also alters a person’s

 News Psychology

Why People Prefer Rounded Numbers

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, USA, has found that people tend to prefer rounded numbers over exact

 News Medicine

Hypnosis Blocks Brain’s Senses

Hypnosis has long been associated with negative connotations, often being dismissed as a mere trick or illusion. However, recent scientific studies have shown that hypnosis

 News Psychology

Why Does the Return Trip Seem Shorter?

Have you ever noticed that the return trip from a vacation always seems to go by faster than the journey there? This phenomenon is known

 News Medicine

Average Penis Length: How Long?

In the name of science, around 15,000 men have had their penises measured, resulting in researchers now having a representative value for the average penis

 News Medicine

Humans Can See Infrared Light

In a surprising discovery, scientists at Washington University have found that humans can see near-infrared light under certain conditions. While it is commonly believed that

 News Medicine

One Neuron for Every Face

The ability to recognize faces is different from simply seeing them with our eyes. While we use visual perception for information input, familiar faces are

 News Biology

Dogs rely on colors more

Dogs primarily use color information over brightness to complete certain tasks, according to new research from Russian scientists. Despite having a much poorer color vision