Story Biology

Signs of Life Beyond Earth’s Borders

Evidence points to the likelihood of life existing beyond our planet. Analysis of ancient microorganisms dating back 3.456 billion years in Western Australia unveils intriguing

 News Biology

Desert Dust Feeds Ocean Life

The growth and health of phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine ecosystem, is positively influenced by even small amounts of desert dust. Phytoplankton plays a

 News Biology

Hungry Plant Turns Carnivorous

The Triphyophyllum peltatum, also known as the Dreifaltigblatt, is a plant that typically undergoes photosynthesis but can transform into a carnivorous plant. Researchers from the

 News Chemistry

Artificial Photosynthesis Outperforms Solar Cells

A groundbreaking new nanomaterial has been developed by researchers at the Technical University of Munich that can convert sunlight into usable energy with significantly higher

 News Astronomy

Oxygen Isotope Aids Alien Search

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) have found a new method to aid in the search for extraterrestrial life. According

 News Technology

Bacteria Powering Computers

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at the University of Cambridge and ARM have developed a biological energy cell that can power a computer using only

 News Biology

Gill-less Tadpoles Created

Scientists Create Oxygen-Producing Tadpoles through Photosynthesis In a recent study, scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) have created tadpoles that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, without

 News Environment

CO2’s Anti-Greenhouse Effect Underestimated

A new study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has found that the anti-greenhouse effect of CO2 has been underestimated. The study shows

 News Biology

Sea snail detaches entire body

In a surprising discovery, scientists at Nara Women’s University in Japan have found that Sacoglossa sea slugs from the Elysia genus have the ability to

 News Biology

Revolutionary Photosynthesis Produces Hydrogen

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the University of Bristol and the Polytechnic University of Harbin have developed a new method for producing hydrogen using