News Physics

Colliding Light Particles: A Discovery

In a groundbreaking discovery, physicists at CERN in Geneva have reported that the elusive elastic collision of photons may soon be observed. Until now, it

 News Physics

2 + 1 ≠ Always 3

In a surprising discovery, researchers have demonstrated a case where the interactions of three particles in an emulsion do not add up linearly. This phenomenon,

 News Physics

Newly Discovered “Light Force”

In a groundbreaking discovery, physicists at CERN in Geneva have reported that the elusive and seemingly impossible collision of photons may soon be observed. Photons,

 News Physics

Electrons Stable for 66 Quadrillion Years

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have demonstrated a case where the interactions of three particles in an emulsion do not behave in a linear manner.

 News Physics

Record-breaking Neutrino Energy Detected

Physicists at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica have detected a neutrino with the highest energy ever measured, at least 4 to 5 PeV. The

 News Physics

Scientists Create Antimatter Beam

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists at the CERN particle research center have successfully generated a beam of antimatter. Antimatter beams are a familiar concept in

 News Biology

Why dogs always spill when drinking

When dogs drink, they make a lot of noise and often leave the surrounding area wet. American fluid dynamicists have now discovered why this is

 News Physics

First detection of pp-neutrinos by Borexino

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists have successfully frozen individual components of light and manipulated them to form a new structure. This discovery has the potential

 News Physics

Creating a Crystal of Light

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists have successfully frozen individual components of light and manipulated them to form a new structure. This discovery has the potential

 News Technology

Liquid Core Pressure-Sensitive Displays

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers have successfully created a new cloaking device that can make objects appear invisible from multiple angles without distorting the