News Biology

Da Vinci’s “Tree Rule” Debunked

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Rule of Trees” describes the proportions of a tree’s branches, trunk, and vessels that transport water through the tree. However, a new

 News Biology

Glowing plants sold by biotech start-up

In a breakthrough development, Light Bio has successfully transferred the bioluminescence of a tropical fungus onto decorative plants, causing them to emit a green glow

 News Biology

Fossil with preserved trachea found

A unique prehistoric python with an elongated lung has been discovered in the Messel Pit near Darmstadt, Germany. The Messel Pit is one of the

 News Medicine

Plants affected by anesthesia too

Plants may hold the key to understanding the effects of anesthesia on humans. For over 150 years, doctors have been using anesthesia on patients, yet

 News Medicine

Indoor Plants Remove 97% Toxins

The Power of Nature in Our Living Spaces: Plants Filter Toxins and Improve Air Quality Plants are more than just decorative elements in our homes

 News Biology

Hungry Plant Turns Carnivorous

The Triphyophyllum peltatum, also known as the Dreifaltigblatt, is a plant that typically undergoes photosynthesis but can transform into a carnivorous plant. Researchers from the

 News Environment

CO2’s Anti-Greenhouse Effect Underestimated

A new study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has found that the anti-greenhouse effect of CO2 has been underestimated. The study shows

 News Medicine

COVID-19 vaccine grown in tobacco

A new Covid-19 vaccine made from plants could soon be hitting the market, offering a simpler and more efficient production process than existing mRNA and

 News Environment

Mercury in Oceans from Gas Exchange

A new study by the University of Basel has revealed that the majority of mercury in the oceans comes from gas exchange, rather than contaminated

 News Biology

Genetic Roots Create Resilient Crops

Genetically modified plants have been found to develop deeper roots, making them more resilient to environmental conditions and enabling agriculture in harsher environments. Additionally, these